12. Self Check

Please answer the following questions, then click on the link below to check your answers:

T__ F __ 1) It is possible for your student to have passed tests in high school without comprehending much of the text.

T__ F __ 2) Activating prior knowledge means introducing new concepts to your student before she starts reading.

T__ F __ 3) Poor readers start reading a text without reading the title or skimming the text beforehand.

T__ F __ 4) The KWL activity will help set a purpose for reading and keep your student engaged.

T__ F __ 5) Good readers need to employ only one reading strategy to comprehend the text.

T__ F __ 6) The four components of reading instruction are: alphabetics, fluency development, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension.

T__ F __ 7) Teaching adults to read is the same as teaching a child to read.

T__ F __ 8) Poor readers need to be taught pre-reading strategies.

T__ F __ 9) It is important for tutors to think out loud, and teach their reading strategies to their students.

T__ F __10) Directed Reading Thinking Activity and KWL Activity check on a reader's comprhension.

T__ F __11) Graphic organizers help visual learners understand the text.

T__ F __12) It is vital to correct your student's grammar during a Language Experience activity.

If you are not continuing this training, please fill out our short survey. This will help us with future planning!


tutorgirl said...

I actually passed all of the questions but was a little unsure of several of them. I am pleased that my comprehension of materials presented is fairly good.

Unknown said...

Completed Unit 2: Teaching Reading to Adults

BOC said...

Completed Unit 2.

lillian said...

I did very well and am very pleased with this check point.

Pat said...

completed 3/26/09

jack said...

Completed unit 2.

Ms. Ovette said...

Ready for next unit.

JWKing said...

This has been my favorite and most meaningful part of study so far. I loved the "pepper" video and learned so much. The young man was an excellent tutor and tutor trainer as well! I am going to try some of these techniques tomorrow with one of my students.

neg said...

Completed Unit 2: Teaching Reading to Adults

Megan N said...

yay! All correct!

Anonymous said...


Maddie said...

Thank you so much for posting this article. I've taught elementary and secondary but never adult readers. Our school is expanding to include up to twenty two year olds. I'm happy to read that the strategies we do with our readers applies to all ages.

Thanks again,


Unknown said...


Ajfae said...

Very helpful information and videos in unit two.

MuddyPaws said...

Good self-check for teachers. :)

Unknown said...

Completed with Unit 2.

Anonymous said...

Completed Unit 2.

Unknown said...

Completed Unit 2.

MSTATEN said...

All correct :) on to Unit 3